May 9, 2011
Dear Dad, Emily, Tanner, Hayden
Well the MTC is pretty cool. It's almost like BYU baseball camp, except more spiritual, and no baseball. :( Oh well, I will get over it. There are 8 missionaries in my district. 6 out of 8 are going to Mesa. Me and Elder Contreras are the only two going to Calgary. Elder Contreras is from Guatamala. He lived there for a little bit then moved to Ontario Canada. I get along pretty well with everybody in my district. I was able to pick Kallan up from the curb last Wednesday!! I was really excited when I got to see him. My friend from work, Elder Kay, left early this morning.
A typical day for me is pretty long (and sometimes boring.) We get up at 6:30 a.m. and get ready for the day and go to breakfast by 7:00. Monday -Thursday we have class from 7:30-10:30 and 5:15-8:15 p.m. In between classes we have personal study time, lunch, gym, dinner, and somtimes TRC (Training Resource Center). That is where we go teach "investigators." Most of them are members just pretending to be investigators. But, it feels real to teach them. Tuesdays are preparation day for us. We still get up at 6:30 a.m., eat breakfast then go do laundry and write emails. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are at the same time everyday...7:00, 11:30 and 4:30. We have the opportunity to go to the Provo Temple after lunch. We have free time to do stuff we need to like write letters and stuff. We also have General Authority devotionals on Tuesdays. Last week was Stanley g. Elis. The two weeks before it was Elder Oaks and Elder Scott. Hopefully we will have a Quorum of the 12 today! On the weekends we wtill have 2 three hour classes, except on Sunday. Sundays we have interviews, Priesthood and Sacrament. Since we don't have class we have lots of time for personal study. We have devotionals on Sundays. After devotionals we can watch a movie. The first Sunday we decided to watch "The Testament" and last Sunday we watched the Joseph Smith movie. They were both really good movies. I just love learning about Jospeh Smith. It always strengthens my testimony. I am grateful for this opportunity to be here. Emily, thanks for this wonderful tie. I really love it. And so do the other Elders around here. They wanted to trade. But I told them no way jose! Tanner and Hayden keep up the good work in baseball. Play hard in games and in practice! Also prepare now for your mission. Save now so you can pay for it. Dad, thanks for raising me to be who I am and for raising me in this church. It is the only true church. I know this to be true. I love you all so much & miss you guys. See you in a year 11months and 2 weeks. But who is counting!!