Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011
dear family,
well today is p day agian. its nice to get to email and see your letters on how things are going. umm i guess you could say that im in a training period. they never told me i was. but i am with a trainer. so i guess i am. but im not sure... anyways. we had kinda a rough week. we didnt get as many lessons as we wanted to this week. and our investigator lessons fell through. and they didnt come to church or the baptism. oh which reminds me... i forgot to tell you that we were going to have a baptism on saturday. well we did and it was GREAT!!! the spirit was so strong there. so before i came out. elder harris(my companion) and his companion elder frame were teaching kiara. she is twelve. but then elder frame was transfered and i finished the lessons with her. she is the only member in her family now. and she asked me to confirm her!!!! i was nervous. but it went good!!!! her parents came to the baptism and were crying pretty much the whole time. it was a great spiritual experience for everybody at the baptism. hopefully the rest of her family will start taking the lessons soon!!  well the weather is really weird here cause it was hot the beginning of last week. we had two days of 22. and we need at least three days above 22 for us to take our jackets off!!! we were so close!!! but on june 1st we can take them off. but last thursday it snowed!!!!!!!!! it didnt stick very much or stay that long. but it snowed for most of the day!!! and than it just rained untill sunday pretty much. i miss the arizona weather where it rains really hard for 10 minutes than it stops and is sunny!! not here it rained off and on for like 3 days straight!!!  but its warming up now. which is nice cause i dont like the cold very much. mom that is great that you are in the relief society now. its been a while since you have been in there.  that does sound like a good presidency. tell hayden just dont ride like i used to!! or he will have more broken bones;)  oh how did emily's date go???? was he nice??? well we are going to cranbrook today and staying the night. we have a special zone training tonight. and than we have district meetings tommorrow so we are just going to stay the night with the missionaries out there. it will take us about an hour and a half to get out there.  i really am enjoying myself out here. the work is kinda slow. but we are finding things to do. oh there is a member of our bishopric here. his name is rick brown. he went to the same mission as brother james tanner. so could you ask brother tanner if he knows him. bro. brown remembers brother tanner. well i hope all is well. oh i would like to give you another challenge. find someone for the missionaries to teach in 7 days. we call it the 7 day challenge. we give it to the members out here. but we really havent had much success with it. but it will come.
love elder woodard

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